Saturday 8 January 2011

Product Research- 127 hours Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions are shown right at the beginning of the trailer but a lot of time is spent on showing the director which suggests that the director is much more important than the institutions.
  •  There are many wide shots used in order to establish the location and also it shows that throughout the film there will only be one main character.
  • There is no specific release date but it states it will be released "This Fall."  
  • The trailer states that this film is based on a true story which will attract a much wider audience because they may feel they can relate to the actor more.
  • The sign saying "Next Services 100 miles" suggests that the man is alone and far away from any help.

Product Research- The Bounty Hunter Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions are shown briefly at the beginning of the trailer.
  • It states that the film is produced by the same person who produced "Hitch" which is a well known film and may therefore attract a wider audience.
  • There is a lot of dialogue used therefore not a lot of music is used.
  • There is no specific release date but it states "This Spring"
  • The trailer focuses on two actors in particular which suggests that they are going to be the two main characters.
  • A voice over is only used to state the name of the film.

Product Research- Due Date Teaser Trailer

  • The institutions are shown briefly at the beginning of the trailer.
  • The film is introduced to the audience as being produced by a producer who is well known for another popular film.
  • It introduces the actors with the most popular first which will attract a wider audience.
  • At the beginning of the trailer there is a lot of dialogue but nearer to the end there is not as much dialogue but music when it gets more fast paced.
  • There is no specific due date it states "this year."

Product Research- Bullet Boy Teaser Trailer

  • At the beginning of the trailer the words "there are thousands of guns on our street" are shown across the screen which show that the headings are relating to real life issues.
  • Dialogues is used in the trailer but in the first few seconds we see police officers breaking down the door and shouting in whereas there is not a lot of dialogue throughout the rest of the trailer.
  • Throughout the trailer, reviews are shown to be putting the film in a positive light.
  • The music remains the same throughout the whole trailer, even when the scenes become more fast paced.
  • Unlike a normal teaser trailer, there is a specific release date for this film.
  • Nearer to the end of the trailer, there is a few shots that show what awards this film has received which shows that the film has been well received by the audience.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Treatment- The Mystery Footsteps

Lauren decides to stay behind to finish off coursework with her best friend Tia. When Tia goes to the toilet and doesn't return, Lauren starts to panic she goes to the window and sees someone walking away. She thinks nothing of it and returns to doing her work. After a while she decides to go and look for Tia, she packs her work away and heads to the door.She goes to her locker and whilst walking down the corridor she sees her name spelt out on the floor in paper. A she turns to run out of the building she hears footsteps behind her. Before she has the chance to turn around and see who this mystery person is, they grab her. Could it be Tia?

Friday 15 October 2010

Audience Research

Based on my findings, I am going to try and aim my teaser trailer at females.

The age of females I am hoping to attract with my teaser trailer is over 21.

The most popular film genre is comedy but I have decided to focus on doing a RomCom because I think that this genre will be the easiest to produce bearing in mind that the target audience is females.
The people who I conducted my questionnaire on stated that the factors to make a teaser trailer good are: keeping the plot hidden and the use of music which has allowed me to understand that during my time filming I will have to try to keep the plot concealed and use music that relates to it.

In order to make a poster appeal to a wide audience, the most important features that would appeal to the audience would be be vibrant colours and an interesting tagline.

This shows me that not many of my target audience read film magazines which means I will have to take a different approach in order to appeal to my audience.

As seen, the main genre that my audience read are lifestyle magazines which suggests that I will have to take the layout of a lifestyle magazine in order to promote my film. 

I asked my audience what makes them want to go and see a film, nearly half of them stated the actors and the film poster which has enabled me to see that when making the trailer I will have to have actors that will appeal to the audience and also make the film poster as appealing as possible.