Friday 15 October 2010

Audience Research

Based on my findings, I am going to try and aim my teaser trailer at females.

The age of females I am hoping to attract with my teaser trailer is over 21.

The most popular film genre is comedy but I have decided to focus on doing a RomCom because I think that this genre will be the easiest to produce bearing in mind that the target audience is females.
The people who I conducted my questionnaire on stated that the factors to make a teaser trailer good are: keeping the plot hidden and the use of music which has allowed me to understand that during my time filming I will have to try to keep the plot concealed and use music that relates to it.

In order to make a poster appeal to a wide audience, the most important features that would appeal to the audience would be be vibrant colours and an interesting tagline.

This shows me that not many of my target audience read film magazines which means I will have to take a different approach in order to appeal to my audience.

As seen, the main genre that my audience read are lifestyle magazines which suggests that I will have to take the layout of a lifestyle magazine in order to promote my film. 

I asked my audience what makes them want to go and see a film, nearly half of them stated the actors and the film poster which has enabled me to see that when making the trailer I will have to have actors that will appeal to the audience and also make the film poster as appealing as possible.

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